DELO Industrial Adhesives

Dispensing equipment and accessories | DELO - HUST Vietnam (318 Product)

Eddy Current Structure Test for Production and Laborator

  • Digital eddy current test instrument for nondestructive testing of components, mass produced parts and semi- finished products for material properties such as hardness, case depth, case depth pattern, structure, tensile strength, heat treatment or alloy using Preventive Multi-Frequency Technology with Simultaneous Harmonic Analysis.
  • High power modular instrument concept with max. 16 independent crack detection channels, max. 32 structure test channels and their combinations.

eddy current tester for cracks, pores and grinder burn

  • The entry into the eddy current crack detection
  • Digital eddy current tester for one channel nondestructive (NDT) testing of metal components, including mass produced parts and semi-finished products for cracks, pores and grinder burn according to the Preventive Multi-Filter Technology (PMFT).

Non-Destructive crack testing of metal parts eddyliner C

  • The Standard of Eddy Current Crack Detection for Production and Laboratory
  • Digital eddy current test instrument for one channel nondestructive(NDT) testing of metal components, including mass produced parts and semi-finished products for cracks, pores and grinder burn according to the Preventive Multi-Filter Technology (PMFT).
  • The new ibg-family of digital eddy current crack detection instruments offers for the first time a simultaneous 100% zero defect inline detection of grinder burn and cracks in your production line parts. Due to automatically generated 360° tolerance zones, testing over 30 simultaneous band passes and ibg’s own good-part-referencing you will also find defects which conventional instruments with defect-oriented calibration will miss.

Eddy current test instrument for crack, pore & grinder burn detection


  • The New Standard of Eddy Current Crack Detection for Production and Laboratory.
  • Digital eddy current test instrument for nondestructive testing of components, mass produced parts and semi-finished products for cracks, pores and grinder burn using Preventive Multi-Filter Technology.

Eddy current structure testing and crack detection eddyvisor SC

  • Digital eddy current test testers for nondestructive testing of components, mass produced parts and semi-finished products for cracks, pores and grinder burn using Preventive Multi-Filter Technology and Simultaneous Harmonic Analysis and for material properties such as hardness, case depth, structure testing, tensile strength, heat treatment or alloy.
  • High power, modular test instrument concept with max. 16 independent crack detection channels, max. 32 structure test channels and their combinations.



Coils for structure tests

  • The proper solution for each test task: Our wide range of standard accessories includes encircling coils, rectangular coils, inner diameter coils, flat coils and probes. Customised products for special test tasks are provided by our in-house design and manufacturing departments. ibg coils stand out due to highest test sensitivity and temperature stability. Furthermore, they offer a maximum of investment security as they may be operated with all ibg structure test instruments. So you can replace an old ibg test instrument by a new generation instrument, and the coils can still be used.

Probes for crack and grinder burn detection

  • ibg is able to combine very high flaw signal amplification with very low noise signal processing allowing production-capable distances between test probe and test surface without loss of test sensitivity

Rotating heads for crack and ginder burn detection

  • The eddy current test method has established itself for years with 100% crack detection of cylindrical parts. Main reasons are the always reproducible and non-destructive method as well as the excellent chance of automation of that test. Rotating systems increase the productivity tremendously.

Test box for the testing of cams and camshafts

  • Grinding processes on camshafts are as a matter of principle difficult and can regularly cause residual stress conditions exceeding the specified rate or even cause grinder burn defects like annealing or re-hardening zones in the area of the ramp or the nose.
  • Crack formation cannot be excluded when producing composite camshafts where single cams are either shrunk by temperature effect on the shaft or joined under pressure. Where in the past the structure conditions from the heat treatment process was often 100% inline tested by means of eddy current, nowadays the focus of interest is more and more a non-destructive 100% test for cracks and grinder burn.

X-ray non-destructive inspection cabinet XE-S

  • The XE-S cabinet is the smallest of the series: versatile and modular it allows to install, at a later time, different components and additional functions compared to the initial configuration, adapting to the new needs of your business.

X-ray non-destructive inspection cabinet XE-L

  • XE-L is Gilardoni’s top performing standard system, thanks to the large inspection area and a lead shield for protection up to 225 kV, which make it suitable for inspections of a wide range of objects.

X-ray non-destructive inspection cabinet XE-XL

  • XE-XL is Gilardoni’s roomiest system while maintaining the characteristics of versatility and modularity that distinguish all our x-ray systems.

X-ray non-destructive inspection cabinet XE-L HE

  • The XE-L HE cabinet is an INNOVATIVE solution for X-rays inspections in the industrial field. This system for industrial radioscopy and tomography was designed to be able to simultaneously install different types of X-ray sources and sensors, making it unique for its VERSATILITY, POWER and PRECISION.

Torsion testing machines model 210

  • In standard version Torsion testing machines by TesT are executed as horizontal machines with torsionally rigid machine bed. They are individually built as construction kit versions, always in accordance with customer demands. Thus, it is easily possible to incorporate individual preferences and specific customer requirements. Drive and control units, machine tables, frames and data acquisition will be integrated as finished components. All torsion testing machines are equipped with the TesTController 850 that is TEDS compatible.

Torsion Testing for Precision Mechanics

  • The testing machines of model series 215 were developed and built for applications with extremely small measuring ranges, below 0.1 Ncm, and highest precision. They are for example used in watch idustry or medical technology.

Vertical torsion testing machines model 220

  • For measuring ranges up to 600 Nm Torsion testing machines by TesT are also available as vertical machines, equipped with T-slot table and height-adjustable drive

Automated precision measurement systems Micro VU VERTEX


  • The Micro-Vu Vertex Measuring Center is a table top system equipped with a high-resolution camera-based measuring system to get fast, accurate measurements on a wide variety of parts. Vertex can be configured with additional measurement probes and sensors.

Automated precision measurement systems Micro VU EXCEL


  • The Micro-Vu Excel Measuring Center is a gantry stage system equipped with a high-resolution camera-based measuring system to get fast, accurate measurements on a wide variety of parts. Excel can be configured with additional measurement probes and sensors.


DELO MONOPOX HT2860 is a 1-component adhesive, derived from modified epoxy resin, curing at high temperature (+130 o C), for applications requiring high-temperature resistance, and fast heat conductivity.

Use temperature range: from -55 ~ 220 o C


DELOLUX 301 super high-intensity UV Lamp

  • DELOLUX 301 with compact size, highest irradiation intensity in the entire DELOLUX family. It can be used as a single head or pieced together into a large area array.
  • The lamp head operates with an externally exposed water cooler, which can be individually developed according to customer requirements.
  • DELOLUX 301 offers fast curing speed and great flexibility for integration into production systems. This lamp is suitable for highly automated processes in small and narrow production lines, such as consumer electronics assembly lines.
  • In addition, the DELOLUX 301 has a lifespan of more than 20,000 hours (~2.5 years of continuous operation), allowing continuous operation while ensuring a long life.