DELO-QUICK Activator Group for passived surface | HUST VN

DELO-QUICK Activator Group


  • DELO-QUICK activator is composed of activators, promoters, initiators of the curing polymer reaction of the adhesive. Mainly used for DELO-ML glue line, metal glue, or for surfaces that have been passivated, plated with anti-rust alloy, difficult to bond plastic surfaces such as PA, PPT, ...
  • The main ingredients include solvents and activators, spray bottles, quick evaporation, less toxicity to the environment and users.


  • DELO-QUICK activator is composed of activators, promoters, initiators of the curing polymer reaction of the adhesive. Mainly used for DELO-ML glue line, metal glue, or for surfaces that have been passivated, plated with anti-rust alloy, difficult to bond plastic surfaces such as PA, PPT, ...
  • The main ingredients include solvents and activators, spray bottles, quick evaporation, less toxicity to the environment and users.


Processing technique:

  • The surface to be bonded must be dry, free of dust, grease, and no other contaminations.
  • Use DELOTHEN surface cleaning spray to clean the surface to be bonded, wait 3-5 minutes for the solvent to evaporate, the surface is dry again.
  • Spray DELO-QUICK on the surface.
  • Wait about 3-5 minutes for the surface to dry and then apply glue. Depending on the application, the drying time may be faster.
  • Joint components, the surface to be bonded, the glue will be completely be cured within 24 hours.
  • The remaining activator after use should be tightly covered and stored in a cool, dry place.





DELO-QUICK Activator

QUICK 2002

QUICK 5004

QUICK 5006

QUICK 5910

QUICK 8003

Apply to the glue line

Cyanoacrylates, DELO-CA

DELO-ML Anaerobic Adhesive

DELO-ML Anaerobic Adhesive

DELO-ML Anaerobic Adhesive

Methylmethacrylate glue group, DELO-MAFLEX


Hydrocarbon mixture

Isohexane and activator

Acetone and activator

Methacrylates and activators






Light green, luminescent


Density (g/cm 3)






Viscosity (mPa.s)






Volatile matter content




No solvent

No solvent

Evaporation time

~2 minutes

5~10 minutes

5~10 minutes

No evaporation

No evaporation

Storage time (with unopened vial)

12 months at 25 ° C

12 months at 25 ° C

6 months at 25 ° C

6 months at 25 ° C

6 months at 25 ° C

Special features

- For fast and reliable curing of all DELO-CA series adhesives. 

- Can be used as a surface cleaner before applying glue.

- Activated treatment of highly passivated metal surfaces such as Cr, Ni, Zn plating, ... non-metallic or alloy surfaces with the passive surface.

- Can be used as a surface cleaner before applying glue.

Activation treatment of highly passivated metal surfaces such as Cr, Ni, Zn plating, ... non-metallic surfaces or alloys with passive surfaces. 

- The composition of the solution reacts with the polymer network of the adhesive. Activate passive surfaces such as Cr, Ni, Zn, etc.

- Easy to control thanks to fluorescent

For fast and reliable curing of DELO-MAFLEX 8193 adhesive


For more detailed information, please contact us.

HUST Vietnam is proud to be the exclusive distributor of adhesive products, dispensing and curing systems, and technology transfer from DELO in Vietnam!

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