General news

Adhesive for temperature-sensitive voice coil motors in smartphone cameras

Voice coil motors (VCMs) have been an important part of smartphone camera modules for years. VCMs support features such as image stabilization and auto-focus. With the newly developed DELO DUALBOND LT2221 adhesive, you get a universal bonding material for

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DELO introduces new microelectronics adhesive for ultra-fine structures

DELO has developed a new adhesive that can be used to create ultra-fine structures within seconds. DELO DUALBOND EG4797 thus creates new possibilities in heterogeneous integration and optical packaging applications. Able to realize unlimited freeform stru

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GNR Launches New Spectrometer S6 Sirius 500

With 40 years of experience in researching and manufacturing OES Spectrometers, GNR is considered one of the most prestigious and successful manufacturers in the market. On this anniversary, the company also launched a completely new model: S6 Sirius 500.

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Bosch relies on DELO adhesives for its mild-hybrid systems

48-volt batteries can reduce short-to-medium-term carbon emissions by up to 15%. With their batteries, Bosch offers vehicle manufacturers a powerful and clever solution.

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DELO presents a new jet valve for ultra-small dispensing quantities

Interchangeable nozzles with different diameters and a flexible, adjustable plunger stroke ensure precise and reliable applications at different droplet sizes. Volumes of as low as 1 nl...

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Quickly and easily clean jet valves, needle and volume dispensers in production

Advantages at a glance:Contactless cleaning Easy integration Compact design Simple operation

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