Repairing the thermal shock chamber for Wonjin Vina

Repairing the thermal shock chamber for Wonjin Vina

09:30 - 06/08/2020

On July 27, 2018, HUST Vietnam technical staff had a meeting with Wonjin Vina Co., Ltd in Van Trung Industrial Park, Van Trung commune, Viet Yen district, Bac Giang.

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Repairing the salt spray tester machine for WONJIN company
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Repairing and maintaining the optical emission spectrometer for Ngoc Minh

Wonjin Vina is a company with 100% investment from South Korea, a company specializing in manufacturing and processing internal and external equipment of mobile phones such as phone frames, sim slots, diaphragm, ... cater to phone manufacturers like SAMSUNG, etc.

With the specialty of producing all kinds of components for electronics manufacturing, the use of thermal shock test chamber to test the durability of products in extreme weather conditions is an indispensable stage for 1. The product has technical requirements as well as high quality.

Through preliminary tests in both electronics and mechanics, HUST Vietnam has identified the cause of the fault that made Wonjin Vina's thermal shock cabinets not work and work. repair:

- Replace damaged parts, check safety of replacement areas

- Cleaning and maintenance around the work area

After a serious working time with long experience, HUST Vietnam's technical staff has restored the thermal shock to normal operation, meeting the production needs of Wonjin Vina.

Some pictures of heat shock cabinet repair:

HUST Vietnam