Repairing the optical emission spectrometer for Ngoc Minh

Repairing and maintaining the optical emission spectrometer for Ngoc Minh

15:06 - 08/07/2020

During the days from September 12 to September 17, Hust Vietnam conducted a repair and maintenance of the Solaris CCD Plus (SCP) emission spectrometer for Ngoc Minh Company in Vinh Loc Industrial Park, Binh Tan District, Ho Chi Minh city.

Repairing the thermal shock chamber for Wonjin Vina
Repairing temp-humi chamber for Jangwon Tech Vina
Repairing the salt spray tester machine for WONJIN company
Repairing the Metal Lab spectrometer for IEMM
Repairing and maintaining S5 SCP spectrometer for Piaggio Vietnam

Ngoc Minh Company is a private economic sector, with strengths in punched and cast steel products such as motorcycle rims, stainless steel parts, etc. With production characteristics, the use of spectrophotometers for analysis The chemical composition of the product is an indispensable step before exporting to customers. Before the urgent request from Ngoc Minh Company, Hust Vietnam Company promptly checked, surveyed, assessed the cause of equipment failure, and performed the repair work:

- Replace defective accessories

- Cleaning and maintenance overall of the spectrophotometer system

- Calibration of spectrophotometer system

After a period of serious and urgent work, Hust Vietnam technicians have restored Solaris CCD Plus spectrophotometer to normal operation, the results of analysis are stable and accurate.

Also during this time, Hust Vietnam combined testing of spectrophotometers for the Can Tho technical standards and quality measurement Center (CATECH) in Ninh Kieu District, Can Tho City.

Some pictures:

S5 SCP spectrometer of Ngoc Minh company before repairing and maintaining

In the process of repairing and maintaining spectrophotometers for Ngoc Minh Company

Status of CATECH spectrometer system before checking

Checking spectrophotometer for CATECH

HUST Vietnam