Installing, training salt spray tester for UJU company

Installing, training salt spray tester VT-ST 100 for UJU company

14:01 - 04/08/2020

On December 21, 2017, HUST Vietnam officially installed and instructed the use of VT-ST 100 salt spray tester of VisionTec - Korea for UJU Vina Co., Ltd (Khai Quang IP, Khai Quang Ward, Vinh Yen City, Vinh Phuc).

Installation the salt spray tester VT-ST200 to 21 Chemical company
Handing over temperature and humidity chamber to Glonics Vietnam
Instruction the 2D machine for WIHA Vietnam
Installation the 2D machine (VMM-3020D) for INNOVATION Group
Instruction, installing the temperature-humidity chamber for Woosung company

UJU VINA Co., Ltd is a 100% foreign-invested company specializing in manufacturing of electronics such as sim tray, memory card tray, soft cable ...

With small product size and strict quality requirements, UJU VINA Co., Ltd. has selected salt spray chamber VT-ST 100, which is the smallest model of VisionTec manufacturer to put into use.

Salt spraying machine: designed based on advanced monoblock technology, the spray chamber is designed to ensure convenience for operation and maintenance of the machine. Control screens are placed in a workspace to ensure the most convenience for users.

The whole frame of the spray chamber is made of plastic-like anti-corrosion material, they are machined with smooth profile and surface to ensure durability and compact area. The cover of the salt spray tester is made of transparent plastic so that users can observe the spraying process when the machine is operating.

Some pictures installed at UJU VINA factory:

HUST Vietnam