Installation salt spray tester for M&C Electronics Vina

Installation Vision Tec salt spray tester for M&C Electronics Vina

10:38 - 10/07/2020

On 17/08/2017, HUST Vietnam completed the handover, installation and operation of the salt spray tester of Vision Tec (model: VT-ST 200) to M&C Electronics Vina Co., Ltd at Que Vo IP, Phuong Lieu commune, Que Vo district, Bac Ninh province.

Installation the salt spray tester VT-ST200 to 21 Chemical company
Handing over temperature and humidity chamber to Glonics Vietnam
Instruction the 2D machine for WIHA Vietnam
Installation the 2D machine (VMM-3020D) for INNOVATION Group
Instruction, installing the temperature-humidity chamber for Woosung company

Outside of M&C

M&C Electronics Vina is a 100% Korean owned company specializing in manufacturing electronic components supplied to Samsung Vietnam. Sam Sung is a company with very high requirements for product quality, so to meet those requirements, M&C Electronics Vina has selected the Vision Tec salt spray machine distributed by Hust Vietnam for testing. products before shipping to partners.

With quick installation time and enthusiastic support, HUST Vietnam has helped M-C Electronics Vina's employees successfully operate the salt fog spray chamber. The steps are simple to use, this is the device that will effectively support M&C in the process of salt corrosion testing and testing of the product.

As the exclusive representative of Vision Tec, HUST Vietnam is very pleased to be a supplier of quality and safe environment testing cabinets.

Some pictures installed at the factory:

Transportation and dismantling of salt spray tester packing

Overall salt spray tester before installation

Instructing staff of M&C company to operate salt spray tester

HUST Vietnam