Eddy current test instruments for material properties

Eddy current test instruments for material properties (3 Product)


eddy current structure test eddyguard S

  • For entry into the eddy current structure test, we offer a digital eddy current test instrument for one channel nondestructive testing of metal components, mass produced parts and semi-finished products according to the Preventive Multi-Frequency Technology (PMFT) and Simultaneous Harmonic Analysis.
  • Eddy current testing for material properties such as hardness, case depth, case depth pattern, structure, tensile strength, heat treatment or alloy.

Eddy current testing for material properties eddyliner S

  • A state-of-the art digital eddy current test instrument for one channel nondestructive testing of metal components, mass produced parts and semi-finished products according to the Preventive Multi-Frequency Technology (PMFT) and Simultaneous Harmonic Analysis.
  • Eddy current testing for material properties such as hardness, case depth, structure, tensile strength, heat treatment or alloy.

Eddy Current Structure Test for Production and Laborator

  • Digital eddy current test instrument for nondestructive testing of components, mass produced parts and semi- finished products for material properties such as hardness, case depth, case depth pattern, structure, tensile strength, heat treatment or alloy using Preventive Multi-Frequency Technology with Simultaneous Harmonic Analysis.
  • High power modular instrument concept with max. 16 independent crack detection channels, max. 32 structure test channels and their combinations.